WhatsApp Messaging with Advantus

WhatsApp serves as the primary communication channel that businesses can leverage to strengthen their audience reach.

Advantus takes it a step further by enabling you to send bulk messages to the right audience with WhatsApp notifications. With the Advantus App, you leverage hyper-personalisation in real-time by sending recommendations based on their preferences, activities and purchase history.

A significant advantage of the Advantus App is that it enables you to create highly customised experiences for each user. Moreover, it provides you with key insights into your messages, helping you improve your messaging campaigns and build strong relationships with users.

Pre-Requisites to Use WhatsApp API

To leverage the WhatsApp API to send messages via Advantus, you need:

1. Meta Developer Account

A Meta Developer Account refers to an account that developers create on the Meta (formerly Facebook) platform. It enables them to access developer tools, resources, and documentation for building applications and integrating with Meta's ecosystem.

If you don't have the Meta developer's account, register here or contact us for any query.

2. WhatsApp Business Account

A WhatsApp Business Account is an account specifically for businesses to communicate with customers on WhatsApp. It offers features like business profiles and tools for better customer interaction.

If you don't have a WhatsApp business account, create here or contact us for any query.

Method Type and API End Point

The Method Type and API Endpoint are as follows:

POST: /api/notifications/whatsapp

The Header for WhatsApp sending is:


"Authorization": "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"


API request

To send a request to the API, the following parameters must be included in the payload.

fieldData typeDescriptionRequired
campaign_namestringA campaign name is a specific and identifiable name given to a marketing or advertising campaignNo
message_typestringType of the message that WhatsApp supports such as template, text, location etc.

Supported type : template
template_namestringA template name is a specific and identifiable name defined on the WhatsApp business account.

You can check the list of available templates in the template section. Only approved WhatsApp templates can be used for sending WhatsApp notification. For more details, please refer to the template section.
Yes, if the message_type is template.
template_languagestringShould be an ISO-certified language code.

The language selected for your template content e.g, en, fr, hi and others supported by WhatsApp.
segment_uuidstringEither segment_uuid or receiver.

The uuid(Universal Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit value used to identify an entity in system data. It is provided by Advantus to each user present in your segment list.

Used when sending WhatsApp messages to a pre-defined audience in the segment.
Yes, if segment_uuid is selected.
receiverarrayEither segment_uuid or receiver.

An array of numbers of recipients.

The receiver is the recipient who will receive the WhatsApp message- a valid phone number with the country code.

E.g.,United States: 1, United Kingdom: 44, Australia: 61 etc.

Leverage segment_uuid for scenarios with multiple recipients.
Yes, if receiver is selected.
mapper_fields1 objectIt enables the senders to use variables2 through a template or auidence segment. These variables can be used for hyper-personalisation when sending a message using Advantus.Yes3
mapper_fields.body objectThere can be n numbers of variables.Yes
mapper_fields.header objectThere can be only one variable.Yes
mapper_fields.button objectThere can be maximum two buttons (call-to-action) in any template.Yes
typeintegerType defines the nature of the value. If the type is 0 then the value will be taken from audience segment.

If the type is 1 then the value will be taken from value.
valuestringThe variable value defined in the type 0 (audience segment) or type 1 (text).Yes
sub_typestringVariables defined in the template for header, and button.Yes
header.textstringEither text or media.

When selecting text, only one veriable can be added.
haeder.mediastringEither text or media.

When selecting media, can add any of these: Image, video, document4, or location.
button.indexintegerIn the template, the sequence of buttons will be 0 and 1, with 0 positioned as the first button and 1 as the second button.Yes
button.sub_type.coupon_codestringThe coupon code added here gets copied when user taps the button. E.g., FLAT25Yes
button.sub_type.urlstringThe user gets redirected to the url added here when taps the button.Yes

1 : In a template, mapper_fields are optional; thus, you can leverage varibles for hyper-personalisation only if the mapper_fields are selected.

2 : Each dynamic field within the body, header, and button is represented by a variable, numbered sequentially as null, null, and so on.

3 : All mapper fields including, body, header, button, type, value, sub_type, and index will be required only if the variable for each is present in the template.

4 : If media type is document then provide filename as shown in the example.

curl--location 'https://api.getnotifly.io/api/notifications/whatsapp'\
    --header 'Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN_HERE'\
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'\
    --data '{
  "campaign_name": "Support Variable",
  "message_type": "template",
  "template_name": "support_variable",
  "template_language": "en_US",
  "segment_uuid": "YOUR_SEGMENT_UUID HERE",
  "receiver": [
  "mapper_fields": {
    "header": {
      "1": {
        "type": 1,
        "sub_type": "document",
        "value": "1618285602295311",
        "filename": "custom_filename.pdf"
    "body": {
      "1": {
        "type": 1,
        "sub_type": "text",
        "value": "09-04-2024"
      "2": {
        "type": 1,
        "sub_type": "text",
        "value": "10-04-2024"
    "button": {
      "1": {
        "type": 1,
        "value": "value",
        "index": 0

API response

When making a request, replace value with your token. If the request is successful, you will get a JSON response containing the access token.

Success response use case

If the API receives a successful request, it will typically return specific parameters as part of the response:

Response_payload :
    "success": true,
    "message": "Your notification has been queued for delivery.",
    "data": {
        "notification_id": 10
fieldData typeDescriptionRequired
successbooleanIndicating whether the request was successful or not.Yes
messageboolean/stringInforms of additional value if sent along with the response, which can be either false or a string that defines the action done by the API caller.Yes
dataobjectA JSON object containing information related to the requestYes
data.notification_idintegerA notification ID generated after making an API call.Yes

Failure response use case

If the WhatsApp request fails, the API will return specific parameters (HTTP errors) as part of the response:

Error CodeHTTP StatusCauseSolution
1227400invalid template languageProvide a valid available template languages from the available options
1274400invalid segmentProvide a valid segment
1339400audience missingSelect a correct segment with audience
1341400incorrect WhatsApp business idProvide a valid WhatsApp business id
1342400invalid tokenProvide a valid WhatsApp token
1343400invalid WhatsApp configurationConfigure your WhatsApp setting with Advantus
1345400invalid typeProvide a valid type (either 0 or 1)
1346400invalid mapper fields keyProvide correct key names (body, header, button) in the mapper fields
1347400blank/missing template valueProvide a valid template value
1348400incorrect index sequenceProvide a valid index sequence (0 and 1)
1349400invalid sub_typeProvide a valid value for sub_type (location, image, video, or document)
1350400missing/invalid locationProvide a valid location (longitude, latitude, name, address)

Note: Longitude and latitude cannot be a string value.

WhatsApp message types

There are multiple ways to use WhatsApp messging platform.


Schema if the header is text

"header": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "sub_type": "text",
    "value": "Hello world"

Schema if the media sub_type is image

"header": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "sub_type": "image",
    "value": "id or https://unsplash.com/photos/a-person-with-a-surfboard-walking-on-a-beach-WEP4kGnoDhs"

Schema if the media sub_type is video

"header": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "sub_type": "video",
    "value": "id or https://unsplash.com/photos/a-person-with-a-surfboard-walking-on-a-beach-WEP4kGnoDhs"

Schema if the media sub_type is document

"header": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "sub_type": "document",
    "value": "id or https://unsplash.com/photos/a-person-with-a-surfboard-walking-on-a-beach-WEP4kGnoDhs",
    "filename": "example.pdf"

Schema if the media sub_type is location

"header": {
    "1": {
        "type": 1,
        "sub_type": "location",
        "location": {
            "longitude": LONG_NUMBER,
            "latitude": LAT_NUMBER,
            "name": LOCATION_NAME,
            "address": LOCATION_ADDRESS

Schema if the button sub_type is coupon_code

"button": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "sub_type": "coupon_code",
    "value": "code",
    "index": 0

Schema if the sub_type is url

"button": {
  "1": {
    "type": 1,
    "value": "lightbill",
    "index": 1,
    "sub_type": "url"